In your busy schedule, if you have not visited the Informix on Campus wiki hosted on the IBM developerWorks domain recently (within the last one week) it is completely understandable. For anyone who might have tried to visit the site, to your complete astonishment you would have noticed that the site has disappeared without any warning. This happened mainly due to the change in the underlying application being used by developWorks. However, due to various reasons some of us were blindsided by this change. Do not despair, this is not the end!
Fortunately, we have a complete back up of the old wiki and we have not lost any data. However, it is going to take me some time to migrate the contents to the new format. By the end of this month (after the IIUG conference), we should have a brand new home with all the great Informix education material. I will post another update once the migration is completed. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.