Thursday, March 18, 2010

First conference in France based on the INFORMIX ON CAMPUS program

I m pleased to share with all of you my first feedback on our first Conference based on INFORMIX ON CAMPUS in a french school called EISTI.
I spent three hours to explain OAT, indexes and the job of DBA to approximatly 50 students.
If any of you heard one need coming from French University/ Schools, I will be glad to help.

In details, I did :
1)Explanations on the INFORMIX ON CAMPUS program,
2)Open Admin Tool : what is it, screen shots, usage for a DBA,
3)Indexes : what is IDS specific (based on the PPT of the program)
4)Feedbacks on tuning reports
5)DBA : role, fun and easy with IDS (not too, just a little bit)

I only had one session from students. What is the % size on the market place of DBMS ?
I won't share my answer in this Blog.

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